For more than 50 years, Monitor Elevator Products has been committed to excellence in every detail of all our elevator fixtures and accessories. And, nothing is more important to us than providing components built for safety. Safe to install…safe to maintain…safe to operate.

Elevator Fixtures
From standard fixtures to one-of-a-kind custom designs, Monitor’s goal has always been to be the first choice of our customers by providing the highest quality designs…no matter how large, small or challenging. From spec to install you can count on Monitor our people and products to get the job done.

30305CS-5, Auxiliary Car Station, Chartruse Sherbert, 30305CS-5

30305HS Hall Station, White Powder Coat

26252, Swing Return, White-1

26252 HL, White Powder Coat

HDF-167243 This Car Next, Light Up

You are here Hall Station with 4 DPI

142840 Hall Station 3 Layers

18577 HS (1)

Dial Indicator light Up

153180 Hall Dial Indicator

145817 This car Next LU

139124 Hall Dial Indicator

143929 Hal Dial Indicator

flag arrow 6


30571 DD Hall Flag

31032 Hall Flag L-U

DD Hall Station Surface Mount

30571 DD Hall Station Panned


30258 DD Hall Station Flush Mount

COP with Lockouts -1

Bar Button L-U Halo and Jewel

139124 Hall Station 3 Layers

16525 Hall DPI- Hall Lantern

145817 This Car Next

Bar Button Metal Halo L-U Jewels